Thursday, January 19, 2012

Making God a Priority When Busy Keeps Getting Busier

The excuses of I’m tired,  I don’t feel like it, or not today I will do better tomorrow all come across our lips from time to time. The burden of life chores, duties and immediate obligations takes over.  The jobs never seem to end or work always follows us home. We get burned out or put under so much pressure we can’t clear our minds apart from the distractions. Perhaps something has changed, we received more responsibility, more recognition, we got promoted, we started school, found a new goal or hobby. Distractions come in various styles, sizes and ways, and perhaps one could argue that they are the devils favorite and best way to keep us from the word, prayer and fellowship.
                When we are exhausted from the day, when the distractions have depleted us, we tend to have no energy and no desire to do anything else that seems like work.
                Perhaps the thought of reading the Bible seems boring or that you have so many other things to do you don’t have time to pray….
                We all, at some crazy chaotic point in our lives, have felt this way. We have 24hrs in a day and yet we still need more time to do all we want, to accomplish all we need to.  The enemy loves it when we think this way, when we are stressed about time, when our earthy duties take away from the time we spend in the word reading, worshiping and praying.
                The devil loves to steal the time we would normally give God.
                It is up to us to be aware of how our distractions and outside obligations impact our time with God, we have to keep God as the priority and we have to be willing and able to shake off some of the distractions.  Set time aside to read the word, if you are having trouble fitting in time to read the Bible focus on reading a verse a day, schedule time for it. Make it a priority. It is up to us to make time for prayer, you can pray anytime, anywhere and the benefit is God is always there to hear you. Driving in the car, in-between meetings or classes, wake up a few minutes’ earlier, turn the TV off a few minutes sooner. Pray when you are tired- God can give you energy, more strength to keep going. When things seem hard, or you need help, pray. God can give you grace, favor, wisdom that you wouldn’t otherwise have.  And ultimately sometimes we just have to do things when we don’t feel like it; because it’s the right thing to do, because our emotions can’t run our lives and because God is the priority. Sign up for the bible study, get involved with people at your church, read your daily devotional, get involved.
                  God is a priority.
                Where you spend your time shows what you deem as important.  We are all busy and that will be unlikely to change, as we age we grow,  as we grow we get busier, so grasp this now- that God doesn’t come after the rest of your day, but God comes first and should be involved throughout your day.  Remember the devil and his distractions want you, Keep God first and the devil will continue to be defeated.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)