Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Love Didn't Save My Marriage

Love didn't save my marriage... at least in the terms of how this world loves. There is a difference between falling in love, staying in love vs. having unconditional love. The way this world shows love is  based on conditions, people love until you mess up, make a mistake, people love you when your popular, people love new,  but when you fall, when you say the wrong thing, when you hit a roadblock that love soon melts away.

My marriage wasn't saved by this kind of love, people would ask me "but don't you love each other." the fact is love wasn't enough. Love couldn't take my pain away, love couldn't make me trust again, love couldn't cover the damage that I thought had been done.

Love by definition is an intense feeling or deep affection. The problem with that definition is like any feeling it can change. When the world’s problems hit you, love isn't enough, because it changes you, changes your emotions and because it changes it’s unstable.

So what saved my marriage? It was more then love, it was agape love, the love of Christ, because that kind of love is a life changer, it’s impactful, its consistent, it’s a foundation not a feeling and ultimately it’s a sacrifice that has been perfectly demonstration by the Lord.  It was this kind of love that I realized I had never had and never received. It was Christ's love that saved my marriage.

It was in Christ's love that I found healing, it was in His pursuit that I found change in myself, it was in his love that our marriage was restored.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Where I Fail You Prevail

How many times have we fallen short, failed, messed up, tripped, turned in the wrong direction? How many times have we chose to misstep, took a dangerous route BUT it wasn't fatal, it wasn't the worst case scenario, it wasn't that bad. Some would say they were “lucky,” some would say “the odds were in their favor” but I say God was looking out for me.

I have had some close calls, many scares, many, “Wow, that could have been bad” moments. But instead of focusing on the negative, the- what- could-have- been, I choose to say Thank you Lord for looking out for me, thank you Lord for being strong when I am weak, Thank you Lord for your protection, Thank you Lord that where I fail you prevail.

We may never fully know how often God is protecting us. And we may never fully know everything He is protecting us from, but the almost-moments that do come up: Almost got in a car accident, my child almost got hurt, the cancer scare, the time when I thought I was going to lose my job, etc. Those almost moments are in-your-face-reminders of how awesome God is, how he protects us, watches over us and how faithful He fully is. In a world that is against Him and an enemy that tries to pull us away, let us remember that God is always there, He is present and let us not forget He is directing our steps.

Psalm 17:5 The Message (MSG)
4-5 I’m not trying to get my way
in the world’s way.
I’m trying to get your way,
your Word’s way.
I’m staying on your trail;
I’m putting one foot
In front of the other.
I’m not giving up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

God Is Still God

I have seen a lot of grief lately, a lot of loss, heart breaking diagnoses, marriages torn apart, even death. But I am reminded that God is still God. For every marriage torn apart, God is restoring; for every cancer diagnosis, God is healing; for every death, God brings new life. Do not be discouraged by the darkness instead stay strong, keep the faith, He is still at work, He is still in control and most importantly God is still God!

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Pray For The Passive

Sometimes I pray for the passive, for the ones that won't stand, that won't share their voice, I pray from them to bold, to be fierce to not let the voice of this world consume them. I pray for you, for you to use the voice God gave you. TO stand up from the seat you have been accustomed to. TO say the thing that needs to be said, to take the action that needs to be taken. TO remove the words “its none of my business” from your vocabulary.

Standing up for what is right is seldom convenient.

We have the duty to use our voice, to stand, to make a change, to have an impact. Today use your voice, whether in prayer, with a friend, or talking to a stranger. Use your voice for a purpose. Don't let an opportunity slip past you.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Joy To The World

There is so much sadness in this world, which is why it is SO important that we remember to spread joy everywhere we go. If your still breathing then you still have an ounce of joy in you- spread it with those you come across. Life is hard, life is full of unexplainable situations- let’s make it easier on one another by bringing joy with us instead of baggage, by sharing a smile instead of a complaint, by creating laughter instead of hurt.  

The hardest thing to do is to show joy while you are going through something hard, but by being good to others you will be good to yourself. Share that smile, do something nice for someone else and watch your heart turn happy. 

James 1:2
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Devil Shows Up As Everything You've Wished For

If you are going through a hard time, be aware of the people who showed up in your life as soon as that hard time started, ever heard misery loves company? If your trying to make decisions during a hard time know that it may be hard to see things clearly. Be cautious of new friends, be weary of their advice and understand that what they communicate underlines their agenda. Like storms, life's hard times are hard to see things as they are, the rain, the wind tends to blur your focus, making decisions while your sight is blinded usually results in regret.

The enemy wants nothing more to take advantage of your blurred vision, keep guard.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Battle Days Lead To Brighter Days

We have all have experienced those days, that are draining, that suck the life out of you, that leave you asking why? Why is it so difficult? Why am I facing this? These days seem to feel like you are at battle, fighting to make it through the day, fighting to get things done, fighting to accomplish something, anything.

Battle days can happen for many reasons, but perhaps we face these kinds of days because they allow us to grow. Anytime we grow it can hurt, we become stretched, we are put in situations that we aren’t accustomed to and we inevitably experience some growing pains. We face these battle days because God is calling us for more, He moves us out of our complacency and leads us on a new path.

No matter what battle you are facing, no matter how many hard days you have, know that you are not in it alone, and that there is a reason why you face what you do.  God goes before us, that’s His promise to us, He knows what you are facing today. He knows the battle over your finances, the battle over your marriage, the battle between your close relationships, the battle in your workplace. Whatever it is, God knows all about it. You are in this situation not because God wants you to suffer, but because God has more for you, He wants something better for you, He has a plan and He wants you to overcome.

When you face your battle days, know that brighter days are ahead.  God has something more in store and He will never back down on His Promise. When you are tired and feel alone, like you can’t go through one more battle day, simply seek His name, call out to Him, He will give you the strength to keep going, to persevere to those brighter days!

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8  (NIV)
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)