Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It’s Time to Wake Up

Too many of us walk around in a cloud, consumed by the day to day task that we have to achieve, the unending to do list of errands, family obligations and countless meetings. We focus on the events of the day and the problems that come with them.  Our life becomes what bill has to be paid, what we will cook for dinner tonight, what kid needs to finish his homework, how many meetings we have for the day….

            We get so bogged down with these day to day task we simply forget that this life on this multitasking earth is not really what we are living for.  We get so distracted that we forget God. We forget about eternity and ignore Heaven and Hell.  In fact, when you compare eternity to the average 78 years humans spend on the earth, the time on this earth it’s just a blink.  When are we going to wake up from behind our desks, wake up from the  8 to 5 clock, the chores, the earthly duties, the distractions and remember that, all this on earth is just temporary; and the priorities of our life, putting God first instead of our list of distractions, determine where we spend eternity.

            When are we going to wake up that when we die on this earth our day to day task wont matter?

            When are we going to wake up and realize that the harsh reality is no one escapes death on this earth?

            We never know when it will be our time, you see we all have invisible timers and we never know when they are going to go off. We walk around simply unaware that my timer, my clock would go off. We seem to think we are invisible or that, its not my turn today. Yet, we never know. God created us and He alone decides when we leave.

Every day matters.

            On my heart I have an urgency for a wake up call for those who don’t know Jesus, who spend there days filled with the worries of the things of this earth, who don’t have a relationship with Him yet or perhaps know Him but haven’t made Him first in there life. The time is now to put God first, to make Him a priority in this very hour to not trade your fate in heaven for the mundane task of this earth. Focus on the big picture, on Eternity and on Heaven. God and a relationship With Jesus is the only way to get there.

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)