Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Storm walking…

Psalm 107:28-30
 28 Then they cry out to the LORD in their trouble,
         And He brings them out of their distresses.
 29 He calms the storm,
         So that its waves are still.
 30 Then they are glad because they are quiet;
         So He guides them to their desired haven

As Christians we are going to have difficult seasons, hard moments and trying times.  There have been moments, from my own life, where days were so encumbered with conflict that I thought I wouldn’t make it through. There were many moments that I wished life could just fast forward so I no longer faced the burden. In my dark days I didn’t know about storms. When my personal storm finally ceased I was closer to God then I had ever been before, I knew then any trying times to come were for a purpose and that God wouldn’t put me in harm’s way or through something I couldn’t handle.
Just like in nature, spiritual storms will eventually cease. When the rain is pouring and problems arise it is easy to feel completely isolated. However, as you walk know that you do not walk alone for God almighty is right next to you, knowing every trouble you will face before you do.  Walking out the storm is difficult, but consider it a learning opportunity, a challenge, a way to get to the next level as a Christian.  It is easy to get lost in the day to day messes when you are walking in your own spiritual storm
The biggest mistake one can do when going through a storm is to try and control it; you see God wants you to trust in Him -100%.  That through Him your problems have a purpose and light will be there once the storm clears. If you try to control the storm you will continuously fail.
I challenge you that when you do have hard days, moments, hours that you turn to God and ask for His help. The largest storm I went through lasted 5 months. But there are still some days or hours where I feel weak, overcome by something. And at these times I turn to my Savior, for He knows the troubles we have before we do, but He also knows the Blessings before we do. When you are feeling down, simply talk to Him, call out His name and peace will fill you.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
 (Psalm 139:14)