Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who’s Writing Your Story?

We each have a story that details our memories, our experiences and our heartaches.  A story that identifies who we are, what we have been through and what we have overcome.  For some of us our story will outline what has crippled us, what bumps in the road we have experienced and will give us our very own war story: to tell, to remember, to define us.

But what about the story going forward? Who are you going to let write it? Yourself?  Others? Or the one that create you?

Will your story of the next year, the next five years, the next decade map out how you want events to unfold. Will you dictate how your life is run, will you single handedly write the details, page by page. Will you control each movement, each memory. Will you be responsible for each void or each mishap?

Will you let your family, friends or career write your story? Will your pages be filled with all the long hours on projects at work? Will your memories be filled with all the hours spent in meetings, conference calls and board rooms? Will your memories be full of doing things for others? Living the life they want for you?  Will your stories retell the times when people wanted something for you, and you put them first- ignoring what your heart desired?

Or will you story be the one that Jesus made for you? Will you follow His plans, His design, His reason that He gave you life? Will each breath be taken under the plan that you are working towards your purpose? Will your stories tell how much Jesus loves you? Will your life retell all the blessings He gave you? Will your memories be about how much love you showed, and how much love you received from the One that created you?

We all get a story. It’s up to us to decide who we will let write it. We can spend our time writing our own story- the story we think we should have. The story that we want, the story that we map out in our own minds. We can let others write our story for us. We can live for others and we can bury ourselves with work and family obligations.And when the time comes for us to tell our story, we will only have what others wrote. Or we can simply rely on Jesus.  We can live a life that is focused on His plan for us, so that when we tell our story it will be God’s story.

God loved us enough to give up His only Son, He loves us so much that He created us. Not only did God give us life, but a true purpose. Don't spend your time allowing others to write your story. And don’t spend time chasing things that don't align with the reason you were created. Let your story be the one God designed.  If you don’t know what that looks like, spend time with God, pray, read His truth- the Bible. In time you will gain insight and clarity on what your story is suppose to be.

Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand.
Proverbs 19:21 (AMP)

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose
Romans 8:28 (AMP)

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)