Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Key to Happiness

We have all seen the book titles: the ten keys to happiness, finding a career that gives you joy, that if you love what you do you will never have to work a day in your life. We have seen countless TV shows, movies, read the latest bestselling books, been inspired by talk shows and interviews, yet it seems like we will never be fully happy, that our jobs still feel like work, that something is still missing.

That was me not so long ago; searching for the happiness I believed could be possible. I knew something more was out there, that there was more joy, happiness, peace to be found. The problem was I couldn’t find it. It didn’t appear in a career path, it didn’t appear in education, it didn’t appear in the things of this world. What I was looking for, what I was earnestly searching for was a relationship with Jesus.  When my love and passion for the Lord ignited I realize the relationship with Him was what I was missing.

The key to an unlimited supply of happiness, the way to receive joy that surpasses all understanding, the true way to get pure peace in your life is found through one relationship, through one name, Jesus.

When you have a true, genuine relationship with the one that created you, you are positioned in the best way to receive the greatest benefits: special favor, abundant blessings and unconditional love.  When you grow each and every day in this intimate relationship you begin to not only see how awesome your God is, but you begin to understand why you were created, what purpose you serve and you begin to see God in every single thing. When the details of your day matter, when you are doing the things you were designed to do, when the Lord holds you each and every day you cannot help but be happy, you cannot help but be successful.

If you are feeling that your life is going fine, but something seems missing, if you feel incomplete, if you feel like there is more out there, I cannot encourage you enough to look at your relationship with Jesus.

I personally searched tirelessly to find the happiness I have today, the happiness that can only come through a personal relationship with the Lord.  Jesus is the way to true and complete happiness, and the good news is He is available at anytime!

You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)