Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fly To Freedom

Like a single bird, flying through the sky,
we have the freedom to rise above the commotion
above the chaos below.
Like a bird, we have the ability to fly to freedom,
to have wings that won’t limit us but allow us to soar.
Like a bird that flies freely,
we don’t have to be bounded or chained,
but through Jesus we are free,
fly , free bird, wherever your wings will take you...

If you are a bird with clipped wings, if you are burdened by the things of this world, if you are tied down and desperately searching to soar. There is a way, a truth that will allow you to take flight. Your peace, your freedom can only be found in Jesus.

If your wings are broken, if you are finding it hard to fly-struggling to keep flight. If the wind is becoming too much, becoming too hard to fight. Know that you can be restored, your wings can be rebuilt, strength can be reclaimed with just the mention of Jesus’ name.

If you are new to flying, and a little scared to take the leap, to take the jump, unsure if you will fall or fly. Know that Jesus will give you courage, boldness to take the leap. Wherever He directs your flight, He will prepare you and give you the wings you need to soar.

You have the ability to not be bounded, to not be chained, the ability to find peace.  Your peace is found through your relationship with Jesus. When Jesus is the center of your life, your foundation, He alone provides the wings for you to fly. He provides the way to peace and He longs for you to be free: free from sin, free from the enemy, free from persecution and freely loved by your Creator.

Today it’s time to find your wings, to find the peace that comes with knowing Jesus. Today it’s time to let go of the chains that are holding you down and to fly freely. It’s time to sing a new song. It’s time to be free.

Fly, free bird, above the chaos and the commotion, fly to Jesus!

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)