Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You Are Worth It

Some of us have been trampled with problems, with decisions that lead us down a troubled road. Our past is ugly. Our sin is great and we have a hard time forgiving ourselves.
We run from what we did. We run from what we decided. We run from the truth.
We might consider our selves not good enough, we might say things like: “I messed up to much,” “I’m not even close to perfect,”  “I am ashamed of what I did.”
But the truth is we can’t go back, we can’t undo what has been done.
No matter what you are hiding from, no matter why you are running, no matter what you face- know that you are WORTH something. You are worth eternity, you are worth everlasting love, YOU ARE WORTH IT.
God created you for a reason and even though you have made wrong decisions, even though you might have known God but turned from Him, know that He is still waiting to hear from you.
He never gives up on you, even when you give up on yourself.
You can blame the world, blame the hurt, you can blame others, blame your circumstances or your past, or you can stop. Stop the blame, stop the hurt, stop running and stop holding yourself to an unworthy standard that God doesn’t agree with.
Go to Him, go to God and lay out all your hurt, your mistakes and your pain. He knows you have been running, He knows your stuff- yet He still wants you; He still calls you a son or daughter, His love never stopped, no matter what you did…
He thinks you’re worth it. He thinks your beautiful, even the flaws and the imperfections. God doesn’t require us to be perfect. He knows that we will fall short, but He does require a relationship with Him. Don’t spend another day trying to run through the pain of the world. Plant yourself with the Lord, talk to Him and proclaim that you are worth it because you are a mighty child of the most high God!
In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor,
Ephesians 1:7 (AMP)

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)