Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Battle Days Lead To Brighter Days

We have all have experienced those days, that are draining, that suck the life out of you, that leave you asking why? Why is it so difficult? Why am I facing this? These days seem to feel like you are at battle, fighting to make it through the day, fighting to get things done, fighting to accomplish something, anything.

Battle days can happen for many reasons, but perhaps we face these kinds of days because they allow us to grow. Anytime we grow it can hurt, we become stretched, we are put in situations that we aren’t accustomed to and we inevitably experience some growing pains. We face these battle days because God is calling us for more, He moves us out of our complacency and leads us on a new path.

No matter what battle you are facing, no matter how many hard days you have, know that you are not in it alone, and that there is a reason why you face what you do.  God goes before us, that’s His promise to us, He knows what you are facing today. He knows the battle over your finances, the battle over your marriage, the battle between your close relationships, the battle in your workplace. Whatever it is, God knows all about it. You are in this situation not because God wants you to suffer, but because God has more for you, He wants something better for you, He has a plan and He wants you to overcome.

When you face your battle days, know that brighter days are ahead.  God has something more in store and He will never back down on His Promise. When you are tired and feel alone, like you can’t go through one more battle day, simply seek His name, call out to Him, He will give you the strength to keep going, to persevere to those brighter days!

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8  (NIV)
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
(Psalm 139:14)